Leap of Faith is now available! Go to
Phaze.com to check it out. Buy it if it sounds good. To commemorate the sale of this--my third book--I’m holding a contest. The prize is a small hand-painted Peruvian jewelry box with llamas on it. Entering is easy. You can even increase your chances of winning! Join my YahooGroup for one chance to win (click on the button on the lower right.) If you email me the answers to my
Leap of Faith trivia quiz, you can get another chance to win. And if you email me a copy of your receipt for the purchase of
Leap of Faith, I’ll give you two more chances! Deadline to enter is October 13, 2006. Good luck!
Kate, I just bought your book. How come they don't include the cover in the PDF? Boo!
Of course I bought for the writing, but it would have been nice to have a "cover."
I have no idea why they don't include the cover. That's a rip, if you ask me! I'll tell them that a reader complained to me. Still, THANKS! Now I know that I sold at least one copy. :D
"She let the feelings roll through her like waves in a secluded lagoon."
What a brilliant line. I'm enjoying your story, Kate. I really am.
I just finished your story. How wonderful! I loved it!!!!
I don't think I can ever write anything as romantic as that, honestly.
"Cursed to an eternity of loneliness, Amaru may only find peace in the love true of a woman, a woman who can accept him and forgive the wrongs he committed in his youth." Wow! I want to read it! Going to here now.
Oh, man. I need a tissue! Maeve, coming from a fellow author, I take that as high praise. Thanks so much for coming here and telling me. :D
Jayelle, thanks for buying a copy!!! I really hope you like it.
Got your msg on Romance Divas about blog content and want you to email me ( I couldn't see your email anywhere listed ) to get on board.
Great covers BTW!
Katherine Warwick
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