Story: You Never Know

Story: "You Never Know" by Lela Chesson from the January 28, 2008 issue.
Tagline: Sometimes extraordinary things happen under the most ordinary circumstances...
In A Nutshell: A woman reminisces about going to the grocery store with her mother. She meets a man there who enjoys the same simple pleasures she does. Luckily, the two little girls he's shopping with are his nieces.
Teaching Points: This story has a quasi-surprise ending. I say quasi because the last scene doesn't include the hero at all, but you still see the soft Happily Ever After in the form of a date they've planned.
Woman's World Standbys: The good old grocery store setting, children who are mistaken for offspring, advice from a family member.
Best Part: The little girls' dialogue was realistic.
Discussion Question: This story follows a three act structure. What are the three acts that you see?
Labels: Woman's World Review
Act 1 Kelly reminising about she and Mom in the spermarket. Act 2 meeting Jeff and the girls. Act 3 Kelly telling Kandall she’s going to the park instead of the grocery store to meet Jeff and the girls.
Hope this is right
Good work, Pat!
OMG, I'm actually getting better at this stuff.
Thanks, Kate. You made my day.
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