Thursday 13: Crafty Me!

Thirteen Hobbies I've Had or Dabbled In
1. Decoupage - Once upon a time my mother was into this and I tried my hand at it too. I was only 7 or 8, so I wasn't too good at it.
2. Crewel - I finished several Dimension's kits which are no doubt turning yellow in my mother's garage somewhere.
3. Stamp Collecting - Oh, I was so into this when I was around 13. I spent hours floating the stamps off their bits of paper and finding where they went in my international stamp album.
4. Counted Cross Stitch - I still enjoy doing this. I have about a dozen pieces that even got matted and framed, but the decor of our house isn't so country anymore, so they languish in my closet.
5. Knitting - I am not very good at knitting anything but square shaped things, like afghans and scarves.
6. Crocheting - I rock at crocheting and am in the middle of making a large grey pineapple afghan.
7. Basketweaving - A friend of mine taught this to kids afterschool and I was her helper. While I helped, I wove my very own basket! It was pretty easy, actually.
8. Cake Decorating - A neighbor was very adept at this and she taught me some of the very basics. This came in handy with two kids in the house. The fire engine cake with the dalmatian in the window was so tempting my son nabbed a fingerful of frosting before the party!
9. Scrapbooking - This is my number one hobby. Been doing it for about 14 years. I do it about once a month with girlfriends at the homeowner's association clubhouse. We scrap from about 4 p.m. until we drop, sometimes in the wee hours of the morning.
10. Playing Piano - I hope this qualifies as a hobby. I learned to play when I was a little girl, and once in a while, I enjoy plunking out some tunes. I can sight read VERY VERY easy music.
11. Calligraphy - This started out as a hobby but became a little side business when I was a late teen. In those pre-computer days people had their wedding envelopes and place cards done by calligraphers. I charged a buck an envelope and made some nice money. I took classes in college and can do many alphabets. It's a handy skill.
12. Beading - There was a period of about a year when I went nuts making those elastic bracelets. I spent a buncha money on Austrian crystal beads and sold some of my wares at craft fairs. I still have a ton of beads in my garage. I should sell the lot on eBay.
13. Rock Painting - I bought a book that showed how to paint rocks to look like tiny little buildings. I had so much fun painting miniature thatched roof cottages, barns, A-frame Alpine homes, stores like you'd find on Main Street USA at Disneyland. My son joined in and made a haunted house. My mother took it up too and made a store for every member of the family.
13a. Silk Flower Fairies - I have another book and all the materials to make fairies out of wooden balls, silk flower petals, acorn caps and felt. They are so adorable! But I haven't managed to carve the time out of my writing to sit down and make any.
Do you have any hobbies?
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Labels: Thursday 13
I'm just getting back into scrapbooking after a bit of a hiatus, and man, I wish I had a regular group I could go work with. My old one was small, and not terribly local, and I have to admit I'm a bit intimidated about meeting a new group, even though I've located one and there's room for me.
As for the others, they are all cool. Think of all the neat things you've learned!
Wow, cool list Kate! I haven't tried any of those!
I think your next one should be UNDERWATER basket-weaving. That would be a super addition to the list.
Wow - those are some creative hobbies.
My hands don't work that way >G<.
Wow, you're a crafty gal, Kate. :D Let's see, I've done a bit of decoupage, cross-stitched a baby blanket (though it wasn't counted), crocheted about a dozen afghans (but I had to give it up when my eczema got bad because the yarn snagged on my skin), decorated several dozen cakes (including my sister's three-tiered wedding cake with lavender fondant frosting and white fondant swags, shudder), scrapbooked just a bit, and played the piano by ear. I also play the guitar and trombone, and of course, I write poetry and smut... :D
Oooo! The fairies sound so cool! I'm really into fairies. Love them. Am writing an UF about them at the moment in fact.
I'm a knitter and pretty decent at it, can make hats, mittens, purses, etc, but want to be a crocheter, but I can never figure out how to read patterns correctly.
Wish I had pals to scrapbook with too! I've got all the materials. 12 gave me a book for Christmas.
This is going to be one of my Thursday Thirteens too! I gave up counted cross stitch because it was just too hard on my eyes. Beading is my new vice. If I didn't write, I'd still never be bored. There are so many things I want to try.
Kate, there's lots of new cross-stitch that are adapted from artwork--both classical and fantasy--so they might fit your new decor. But they are huge though (I personally wouldn't stitch one unless I had a frame). Some are like 2-3 hundred stitches on each side.
And thanks for agreeing to guestblog for me with the other authors in Seasons of Seduction III!
I can do none of that. Not a lick. I am very impressed with you however.
Oh and thank you for the Be-wished series mention! That is the coolest thing ever! :)
Oooooh I do (or have done) a lot of those!! I love crocheting, cross-stitch, and knitting...
Wow I've done most of those at some point! No basket weaving, knitting, or crewel though! May favorite is cake decorating. I think thats because I can take pictures of it and feed it to my friends so it doesn't take up as much space as my other hobbies.
Wow, that is so great. i always wished I could be more creative
I don't have the patience for most of those. I do like the fairy idea though. My girls would flip over something like that. Happy Thurs 13:)
You are one talented lady. I used to do plastic canvas, but you can only make so many tissue boxes. LOL!
Wow, you've been very busy. You're obviously very arty and talented! You should make some bracelets to give away for prizes in contests.
My mom crochets and makes me placemats and dining room tablecloths. I can't learn! I've tried! Wah!
I'd love to learn more about cake decorating, too.
If you like scrapbooking, there's a fiction book called "Prints Charming" by Rebecca Seitz. The main character scrapbooks and considers it "therapy". There's also tips and tricks listed in the back of the book, too. I just started it, but it's a really cute book so far.
I've done all but criel and the 2 no 13's. Fun! And I LOVE fairies.
I envy you a group with whom you can scrapbook. I am soooo far behind on my books it's pitiful, and might actually catch up with group motivation. I also make my own cards (I'm addicted to Stampin' Up) and do counted cross-stitch.
(I tried posting this several times last night and it wouldn't go through...let's see if we have better luck today!)
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