Friday, December 19, 2008

Artist: Chris Trueman

This piece is called Tsunami. It reminds me of Hokusai Katsushika's The Great Wave at Kanagawa (below). Perhaps Chris was inspired by it. I would love to built a whole room around this painting. The colors are gorgeous. Too bad I don't have a room to build around this painting. Well, the boys' room is blue, but I probably can't afford this guy's stuff anyway.

Chris says, "I began making my current body of work as way of exploring my long-standing interest in the difference between the physiological process of sight, and the psychological and cognitive aspect of perception. I am fascinated by the way that people build narratives, interpret visual spaces and extract meaning from visual information." That's an interesting point of view as an artist, and I think it's just a fancy way of saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

If you'd like to behold more of Trueman's work, click here.

Have a fantastic weekend!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kate,
Glad you like my work. You were correct, it was influenced by Hokusai Katsushika. Thanks for the blog post, Chris Trueman

11:45 PM  
Blogger Kate Willoughby said...

Hey, my pleasure, Chris! I'm so jazzed you came to check it out. :)

11:10 AM  

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