Saturday, September 04, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
This Blog Has Moved (Sorry for the inconvenience)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Forget Walking on the Grass!
Isn't that hilarious?
Labels: Just for Fun
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Thursday 3: Christmas Traditions
Merry Christmas! I don't expect a lot of blog visitors today, but just in case, here are three of the things we do year after year.
1. I put up my Santa tree(s). I collect Santa ornaments and my collection has grown so large it won't fit on my little tree (right), so I have an auxillary tree (left) now.
Some of the ones I love best are the ones that have a pull string that make Santa's arms and legs flap up and down. The boys love the one that plays music.
2. We put up Christmas lights. Some years we do it earlier than other years. I was ecstatic the year hub and the boys did it Thanksgiving weekend. That was only one shining year.
3. My husband's family celebrates on Christmas Eve. They always open presents, one at a time, in order of age, youngest first.
Labels: Thursday 3
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
No More Puff!

I have chronic puff under my eyes, which I camoflage with my eyeglasses. However, on a whim, I decided to try this stuff and it totally works! About half an hour after I apply it, my puffs are gone!
I think it runs for about $14, but it's worth it, I say!
Labels: Recommendations
Monday, December 22, 2008
Love Is: Toast

Toast each other when you sit down to dinner. It doesn't need to be over bubbly or wine, but even a glass of water or iced tea. Tell your honey something you love about him/her and then drink to it!
Labels: Love Is
Friday, December 19, 2008
Artist: Chris Trueman

This piece is called Tsunami. It reminds me of Hokusai Katsushika's The Great Wave at Kanagawa (below). Perhaps Chris was inspired by it. I would love to built a whole room around this painting. The colors are gorgeous. Too bad I don't have a room to build around this painting. Well, the boys' room is blue, but I probably can't afford this guy's stuff anyway.

Chris says, "I began making my current body of work as way of exploring my long-standing interest in the difference between the physiological process of sight, and the psychological and cognitive aspect of perception. I am fascinated by the way that people build narratives, interpret visual spaces and extract meaning from visual information." That's an interesting point of view as an artist, and I think it's just a fancy way of saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
If you'd like to behold more of Trueman's work, click here.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Labels: Art
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thursday 3: Resistance!
I went to the grocery store today. Here are three things I really wanted to buy, but didn't.

Is there something you've NOT gotten at the store recently?
Labels: Thursday 3
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Eppie Finalist

There were seventy-eight other paranormal erotic romances entered, which, I believe, makes it the largest category they had this year. Nine made the cut. Except for Jackie and the Beanstalk, the other paranormals are dark.
Since it's the Christmas season, I'll pimp them here:
N.J. Walters's Eternal Brothers
Paige Tyler's Animal Attraction
Cindy Spencer Pape's Curses
Eden Rivers's Nature's Pentacle
Jacqueline Meadows's Jackie and the Beanstalk
Vivien Dean's Mercy of These Bones
Jamie Craig's Mosaic Moon
Monica Burns's Dangerous
They announce the winners at their EPIC conference, this year it's in March in Las Vegas, and I think someone upstairs wants me to go because hubby's National Conference is in Vegas at the same exact time.
Labels: My Books
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Earn prizes!

Labels: Recommendations
Monday, December 15, 2008
Open Letter to the Jerk Who Stole My Planner

Thanks for all the anxiety and frustration. It's just what I needed at this time of year.
Labels: Rants
Friday, December 12, 2008
Artist: Heather Jansch

You can view more of Heather Jansch's amazing work at her website.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Labels: Art
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Thursday 3: Yuck
Here are three things I can't stand to eat. To me, they are disgusting.

3. Liver - EXCEPT one time I had this very excellent goose liver pate. (I won't post a picture because it looks as gross as it tastes.
What foods do you hate?
Labels: Thursday 3